Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Toys Schmoys

Who needs toys when there are plenty of other things to get into? Like emptying the contents of the cabinets and playing with the doors... and tipping over dog dishes, and smacking blinds, and flipping off the trash can lid... oh, I could go on and on...

So anyways, on with my adventures of the past week... I figured out how to grind my teeth so I've been doing that. Mom is not crazy about it, but, hey- it's something new to do! Neo and I have been checking everyday for those crazy rabbits that feast in our backyard. You should see Neo, she just goes crazy! I sit and laugh at her!

I did have another party on Sunday, my friend turned a year old. We played on the kitchen floor then went outside for a while. He has a big back yard to play in, I had a blast! And I do have another party this coming weekend, my cousin is turning one on Thursday and her party is on Saturday!

Mom took me to Aunt Cathy's on Monday and she has a playground behind her house. They put me in the swing and I loved it! They took me out when I started chewing on the swing, though. And then it was down the slide! That was fun, too!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

10 months old!

I'm 10 months old today!! Wow, time sure has gone by fast!

I had another busy weekend! On Saturday, I went to my friend Brookie's 3rd birthday party... but mom forgot the camera so we don't have any pictures. I had a lot of fun, though!

The Easter bunny came to visit me on Sunday. He left a nice basket for me full of fun stuff! No candy, though... maybe next year! My Aunt Jamie got me a basket, too, it's a police car! When you press down on the siren, it says, "step away from the basket"... it's funny!

We went to my grandma's on Easter. I had a good time looking for eggs in the backyard. My cousin and I played a little, too.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Growing pains

Well, I have these top 3 teeth that decided they all wanted to come in, so I have not been in the best mood... I did start feeling a lot better yesterday, but boy was it rough there for a few days!

I went to visit G last week, his nanny was on vacation. We had a great time! We played a little tune on the piano for mom, ran around the house, took a little walk... it was a grand old time.

Then we took a trip to see our other cousins on Monday. Here we are, all ready to go!

Mom and I played a little outside last week. I have to say I am not a big fan of the grass, it feels so strange. Check out the look on my face! Ugh!