Monday, November 21, 2005

Five months old

I'm five months old now and about 17 pounds! I found my toes and like to play with them every chance I get. I have been laughing like crazy, dad tickles my neck and my belly all the time.

I have learned how to blow the binky out of my mouth and boy can I launch that thing across a room!

I finally got to meet Korey and Laura! They were in town and mom took me to see them. Korey couldn't get over how big I am. I think he wants me to grow up and be a pilot like him! He gave me some nice outfits with planes on them!

Other than that, I've just been spending a lot of time on my tummy so I can learn how to get this rolling thing down. I can get from my back to my belly, but haven't yet mastered the other way!

Thursday, November 03, 2005

...just some cute pictures

Trick or Treat!

Look at me in my pea costume! I had it on just long enough to take some pictures… then I was done. I threatened to start chewing up the little foam peas if they didn’t get me out of it soon! Ryan stopped by to trick or treat, he was a dragon. I got to see Parker next door, too, he was a giraffe. We had a lot of trick or treaters. That’s what I heard anyways, I called it quits around 7. I’ve been pretty tuckered out lately. I’m not adjusting well to this time change!

Here I am at the end of the lonnng night!