Friday, March 24, 2006

Party animal

Let me tell you, I have been buuussssy! I had two parties over the weekend... yes, TWO! My cousin G turned one and my cousin E turned 3! I was out all day on Sunday partying! G's party was lots of fun! He had a John Deere cake, it was cool! I didn't get any but it sure looked good! His Grandpa made him a toybox and we had fun standing up on that and walking around. After that, we went to my other cousin's party and that was fun, too! She got a piano and she was singing songs to me! A and I were dressed alike for the party! Ha!

My grandma and grandpa came down on Saturday night so we all went out to dinner. I got a little bit of grandpa's french fries.

My buddy stopped by last week and we hung out for a while. We caught up on old times, he showed me how he can crawl up the stairs. We played with my dinosaur toy and tractor and had some veggie puffs.

Oh, and guess what is soooo much fun-- unrolling toilet paper!!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Things I have learned how to do this week:

- Wave bye bye... if I'm on the move and mom says bye bye, I have to stop and turn around and wave... and them I'm off again!

- Throw a fit when I get pulled away from one of my destinations... namely the entertainment center, the screen door or Neo's water bowl.

-Chew on my sister's tails... wellll, almost- I'm really close to giving them a good chomping but I always get pulled away from that, too! Geez!

-Say dada... yeah! Mama and dada! I like to say bob, too. Mom's always asking me who bob is....